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Cancellation of Debt

In most cases, taxable income is a fairly straightforward figure to calculate. Typical sources of income – such as wages, self-employment, interest, or dividends – are reflected as cash that an individual receives, so it is logical to think of it as income. However, not all forms of taxable income are totally expected, and this can result in unpleasant surprises when it’s time to file a tax return.

One of the most common – and most dreaded – surprises is when an individual receives a 1099-C, denoting cancellation of debt. According the IRS, if a debt is canceled, forgiven, or discharged, then the canceled amount is considered income in the year that it was canceled. That amount is then taxed on the individual’s tax return, just like any other source of income.

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Examples of canceled debt include credit card debt that has been forgiven, foreclosure of a home, or repossession of property. However, since no taxes are withheld and no money is actually received, the resulting increase in taxes can result in a harsh surprise. There are rare exceptions – such as cancellation of certain student loans or debts canceled due to insolvency – that can make canceled debt non-taxable. However, in most cases, the tax increase is unavoidable. If you are aware of debt that was forgiven or canceled or have any questions about the topic, feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to advise you on any steps you can take to lessen the impact of the canceled debt.